Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reunion Tour - 15

Got up at the crack of dawn - almost - for a walk along the lake for sunrise pictures next to the marina. Not many people out but some overzealous fishermen. After breakfast we headed for the town of Jackson to see all the tourist stuff - think Gatlinburg. With minimal damage to the budget we gassed up and headed back towards the Grand Teton Park. Made several stops including the Church of the Transfiguration - nice pictures with Teton Mountain background. Took a boat ride across Jenny Lake to hike to Cascade Falls, then our feet got tired. Back to Jackson Lodge where we were able to get a cottage for the night - very expensive but very nice for a change. Dorothy was thrilled that our room has porch chairs out front. Now we're sitting in the large and beautiful lounge of the Jackson Lodge, because that's the only place in the Park that has internet access - so that's where all us computer geeks hang out. We have a piano player playing in the background and a large picture window opening to the Grand Teton Mountains. It doesn't get any better than this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your wonderful pictures again. Just wanted to let you know that Cathryn Given passed away and also Guy's daughter. Cathryn's service will be in Chattanooga and Janet's will be in West Tennessee.

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we would say while floating on an inner tube down the lazy river or at the beach - "This is the life." Glad you are enjoying yours. You haven't mentioned the weather - hope it's good. It's hot and steamy here!!!

9:43 AM  

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