Thursday, June 29, 2006

Reunion Tour - 5

After spending the last two days in Springfield Illinois, I can see why they call this Lincoln-land. Many of the attractions, businesses, roads, etc. have Lincoln in the name. We started out Wednesday morning by picking up a tourist map with all the attractions listed in the downtown area and decided which ones to go to. We started with the old state capitol building, which was last used as a capitol in 1876. Then on to the building where Lincoln practiced law with three different partners. The picture is of his desk where he worked and where he wrote his first inaugural address after being elected President. On to the Presbyterian church where his family's pew was on display. The stained glass picture from his church was shown for a reason. The picture was entitled "The Perfect Woman" and Dorothy wanted me to take her picture beside it. I told her she still had some work to do before she got to that level. Then on to the Lincoln Home, which is fairly spartan but which had many of their actual household items. This morning we started out at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. This museum is fairly new and is truly state of the art. I have included four pictures of exhibits from this outstanding museum. The next three pictures are from the current Illinois State Capitol Building which also had a number of good exhibits and is a beautiful building. We capped off our day with a trip to the Illinois State Museum and the Lincoln Railroad Depot. Dorothy and I were both born, raised and educated in Illinois and we both learned much about Lincoln. It was a fun couple of days. We may not have internet service for the next few days but I will fill you in on Reunion #2 when I get a chance.


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