Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day 35 - Durango CO to Ogallala NE

On the road from Durango by 7:00 for a big day of travel. Durango had a temp of 45 degrees and it was cool with blue skies most of the morning. We took scenic route 160 up the mountain and crossed the Continental Divide at Wolf Creek Pass. The stream beside the road was roaring with water from the snowmelt. Found several large fields of snow at the top. Enroute we saw a hot air balloon with an early morning liftoff, a snow shed that protected the highway from large amounts of water from the snowmelt, many camping and whitewater areas and lots of horses. The majestic Rocky Mountains were in view much of the day. As we got beyond the mountains and into the foothills, we saw a buffalo farm and an elk farm, many cattle farms and ranches, farmers planting potatoes, and many fields being irrigated. Then on to the interstate and highballing it as far as Ogallala for the night. Had a high of 570 miles on the road today. Heading on to Illinois to see family.


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