Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 32 - Cedar City UT to Bryce UT

Up early to get going then had to wait for the motel office to open at 7:00 so we could get room receipt and breakfast. Traveled some more scenic roads to get to Bryce National Park, stopping briefly at Red Canyon. We saw lots of quaking aspen along the road. Made reservations last night at a motel near the park, since there isn't much development around here. Checked into the Park and started the drive around to the scenic overlooks. Went on a one-hour hike to stretch the legs a bit. It's much cooler here and we're again at about 9,000 feet elevation. The red spires on the base of the canyon floor are called hoodoos, and they're the result of erosion acting differently on the layers of rocks. They are what Bryce is famous for and the reason the park is here. Bryce is fairly small for a National Park but I still shot about 80 photos today. Some of the animals are real friendly, such as the one that kept saying to Dorothy "Nevermore".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so you did take my suggestion and visit the really pretty canyons. Now our albums will have a lot of duplicates. Stay safe.

Bro, Ken

10:01 PM  

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