Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day 23 - Phoenix AZ

Up early for a hearty breakfast. The morning session was a presentation on the geology of Arizona, so we would know what we are looking at. Did you know that Arizona has four deserts? Very interesting presentation. We left at noon with a box lunch on the bus for a trip to Sedona to see lots of red rocks. We had three separate shoots while there: Sedona Red Rocks, Slide Rock Park, and Red Rock Crossing. The views are extraordinary and our Elderhostel leaders always take us to the best viewing sites. We were there in the late afternoon so the light was most favorable. There was a whole lot of clicking going on around Sedona yesterday. We then had our evening meal in Sedona before returning to the hotel in Phoenix. We didn't get back till 11:00 so there wasn't time to complete this message last night. Also we each had to select three of our images for critiquing at today's sessions. I'm anxious to see how these turn out. I'm only sending one picture today because we're shooting in high resolution and the files will be bigger.


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