Friday, May 05, 2006

Day 19 - Phoenix AZ

Talk about chilling out! Today was for lolling around the pool, reading and just taking it easy. Maybe the most exciting thing we did all day was watch a couple of (apparent) newlyweds frolicking in the pool. There's also a high school baseball team staying in the motel and their fun in the pool was a little more vigorous. Also had a nice visit with Dorothy's Aunt Emma. Dorothy and Aunt Em, get it? But this isn't Kansas, it's hot Arizona. Lower 90's again today and supposed to hit triple digits on Sunday. Got to find something to do indoors. I've noticed that about 90% of the pickups on the road are white, probably because they reflect the heat better. Everybody here is talking about the Phoenix Diamondbacks (baseball) and the Phoenix Suns (NBA). Probably because they play their games indoors. We may try to go to a WNBA game before we leave town. No pictures today because I didn't even get the camera out. Oh, I also took the car in for maintenance this morning. We've had it for about 5 weeks and already have put 5,000 miles on it (3,800 on the trip). Time to eat.


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