Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 18 - Phoenix AZ

Carryover from yesterday - The Swenson's was great, just like old times. This morning we had a light breakfast then downtown Phoenix to visit the world-famous Heard Museum. It's a fabulous collection of mostly Indian memorabilia, including clothing, pottery, basketry, and artwork. Very impressive collection. By this time of day it was getting very hot - hit 95 yesterday. They say it's a dry heat but it's still hot. From there we went to the State Capitol building, which includes some historical artifacts from Arizona. Also got to see the State Senate in session, but it didn't look very interesting. The flagpole shown was actually the mast from the USS Arizona which was sunk at Pearl Harbor. Light lunch also so we tanked up tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Suppose you will celebrate somehow. Keep going and keep us posted.

5:36 AM  

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