Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Day 17 - Tucson AZ to Phoenix AZ

(No internet at the motel tonight. This entry courtesy of Barnes & Noble) Left early and took a back road for the final leg to Phoenix. Off the highway saw some more beautiful scenery. Saw many miles of saguaro cactus (or is it cacti). They told us that saguaro's remain an upright shaft and don't put out arms till they are 75 years old. We saw many fields like that. Also saw another huge copper mining operation. It looks like they have been around for many years also. We went through Globe AZ and also saw the end of Kingston Pike extended - US 70 terminates here. Checked into the motel early and had a nice lunch at Red Lobster. We've spotted a Swensen's ice cream parlor near our motel so may have to try that tonight, since we haven't had an opportunity since the one in Knoxville closed several years ago. Should be a fitting end to a relaxing day. Since it was a "slow news" day, I'm going to add some pictures from earlier in the trip that were overlooked the first time around. They include the snow on the mountain by Albuquerque, a blooming cactus flower, white sand that's plowed like snow, the 1923 Studebaker driven by the sheriff of Cochise County, a blacksmith at work, the headstone of five men who were hanged together in Tombstone, the Cochise County courthouse which now houses the museum, and a blooming yucca plant growing on white sands. AND NOW A WORD FROM GHOST: 40 years ago when we started coming west we would get excited if we saw a car from TN.. Well we were on a bus with 12 people and 4 of them lived in Knoxville and one had lived there recently. We met some young girls in the desert and one's best friend had just moved to Knoxville. Met a lady whose father had worked in the ag dept. at UT for 15 years. Met a guy whose uncle lives in Knoxville and he visits him once a year. Met a young girl and her teacher who planned a conference trip to Nashville and they were excited about seeing the river in the hotel. Met a lady whose name was Weber from IL but not related...Just a few I can remember now...GHOST


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just arrived back from Missouri for 10 days and I do believe you guys are doing a better job of traveling than we did. When we arrived back found that Jim Prag's funeral was on Thursday...I know he had a tough struggle.
Continue your great travels and can't wait to tell the class and others about the town lush.

8:53 AM  

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