Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 8 - Van Horn TX to Roswell NM

Yes, we had to stay in Roswell NM to see if Dorothy could find any of her relatives. Just kidding!!! We started the day in Van Horn TX. We heard on TV that they had a 10% chance of rain today. We had never heard of predicting only a 10% chance of rain but when it's this dry I guess you have to have hope. Once we started, we quickly got involved in a highway repair project. Sat on the road for 20-30 minutes while they did whatever they had to do. Went to Guadalupe Mountain National Park for a relatively quick stop. That picture is of a mountain called El Capitan and it was a sentinel for pioneers going west through here. It was very impressive. This area sure has a lot of wind. Saw some more wind turbines on tops of hills or mesas. We went by a station from the old Butterfield Overland Stage, which promised a St Louis to San Francisco trip in 25 days. I don't think that their stagecoaches had shock absorbers either. Then moved on to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Neither of us had ever been there and we had no idea of the magnitude of the caverns. We did a self-guiding tour and went at a leisurely pace. It's hard to believe that water could have created all that beauty. Capped the day by stopping in Roswell NM and visiting the International UFO Museum. It was quite ,em, interesting. But a real good tourist attraction. On to Santa Fe tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds great. Your descriptions are greater. Love your pics. We've had some rain so everything is green here. Glad all is going well


7:47 PM  

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