Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Day 2 - Forest MS to Winnie TX

Had a big hot breakfast in MS and got on the road by 7:00. Traveled through lots of Mississippi, and if anyone ever tells you that there is a world shortage of trees, you need to send them to Mississippi. We usually couldn't see beyond the line of trees along the interstate. Entered Louisiana where we saw more trees, bayous and 10-15 mile long bridge or elevated roadway going over a swamp. Had some really good cajun cuisine in Lafayette - I had crawfish for the first time. After lunch we looked for an acadian village exhibit in Lafayette but couldn't find it. We stopped and asked for directions from a local resident and you know how that went. So much for the acadian village. We drove on to Beaumont TX and were getting tired so we stopped at a motel. Actually we stopped at four motels and nobody had any room. That's why we're spending the night in Winnie TX, which is about 50 miles east of Houston. Today was a day of strange place names: Bogue Chitto, Tickfaw, Breaux Bridge, and the Atchafalaya swamp - also passed through Orange TX. Passed by some rice paddies today, also saw some live oaks. We've driven about 450 miles each of the first two days. There wasn't much to take photos of today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get it ....Forest, Mississippi. That is why there are so many trees.
Winnie, Texas is the self declared rice capital of the world...in case you missed it.

You guys looked great. keep it up.

5:31 AM  

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