Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Beautiful morning in San Antonio. A front moved through last night, brought some overnight rainfall and cooled off the place. They have an IMAX theater near the Alamo so we went to two shows. In the morning we went to see a re-creation of the Lewis & Clark expedition, since we had gone on the whole trail last year. It brought back a lot of memories and added a few new insights. After lunch we saw the story of the falling of the Alamo. Pretty bloody. They apparently give group discounts to the school systems because we had several hundred kids at each performance. Pretty well behaved too. In between we had lunch and went for the boat ride around the Riverwalk. That was much fun and we learned quite a bit about San Antonio history in the process. We then walked for quite a while around the downtown area and saw lots of interesting activities and people. Interesting isn't quite the word for some of the people. We saw one old old church and stepped inside to check out the architecture. We accidently happened in on a mass and I think the priest blessed both of us. The picture with all the bright colored flags is called Market Place and by that time our legs were getting rather tired. An evening on the Riverwalk again and two tired puppies ready for a driving day tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i DO remember tomorrow is friday and i'm ready to be the sarg! enjoyed reading your blog, what FUN!!! enjoy your trip and keep us posted. will let you know if i'm thrown out tomorrow!

7:14 PM  

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