Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Day 3 - Winnie TX to San Antonio TX

We started out early after a light breakfast to drive across Texas. When we came into Texas on the interstate, the first interchange was number 878. This means that the state is almost 900 miles across. Like they say, everything is bigger in Texas. Other unique Texas sights included a crop duster at work, a school bus farm, and spaghetti piles of interstate passovers in Houston. We also got involved in an early morning Houston traffic jam (think Atlanta). Our first stop was just north of Houston at a guest ranch which was for many years owned by Dorothy's father's cousin. She hadn't been back for many years and she said that it had been improved dramatically since she was a little girl. We got to meet the managers and they let us take a golf cart around the ranch to see all the facilities. From there, we headed for San Antonio, with lunch at a picnic area along the interstate. I thought it might be interesting to go back to the place I took Air Force OTS, which was at Lackland AFB. After going all the way out to the base, I found out that you had to have an appointment to get on the base and the next one available is in the middle of May. We decided not to wait. My memories of that place aren't that favorable anyway. After driving around downtown San Antonio, we settled in at a Travelodge. Went for a walk to the Alamo, then had a bite at a sidewalk cafe along the Riverwalk. It is very warm - must be over 90 degrees. Will try to do outside stuff early tomorrow to avoid the heat. Glen


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