Friday, April 21, 2006

Day 5 - San Antonio TX to Fort Stockdale TX

Left San Antonio at 9-ish to head west into the Texas Hill country. Not a lot of noteworthy sights except we did pass through the town of Welfare, TX. The next town to it was Comfort TX. Don't know if they are related. Texas has road signs all over the state that say "Drive Friendly", whatever that means. Passed through an area where there was a grass seed farm then into an area where they raise sheep and goats for wool and mohair. Saw a few oil wells but this does not seem to be much of a production area. Stopped at an interstate picnic area for lunch then stopped later at Fort Lancaster, an Army outpost before the Civil War. Wasn't much left of it. Probably the most impressive sight today was near McCamey TX, where they have a bunch of wind turbines that produce electricity. They were one to three deep and went on for about 20 miles. Quite impressive. Again, everything is bigger. . . . . Got into Fort Stockton fairly early and went to a local museum. Fort Stockton is famous as the site of a statue of a giant roadrunner. Hope to get up early and head for the Big Bend National Park in the morning. If we stay in the Park tomorrow night we may not have internet service. We'll wait and see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far I am enjoying your trip....I sure hope you continue to keep me happy!

we missed you in disciple three Wednesday..only 7 members and no teachers so Mr. Trotter taught and did well.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds & looks like you're having fun. Keep it up! The ranch looks great-better than it ever did! Church family is praying for you.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Drive friedly" in Texas means pull over and drive on the shoulder so that faster traffic can pass. I'm told it may get you a warning ticket in some adjacent states. We are enjoying your account, have fun.

8:35 AM  

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