Sunday, May 14, 2006

Day 27 - Phoenix AZ

Last full day in Phoenix, the HOT city. The weatherman is still talking about 100 degree highs for the next week. Heading north to cooler climes tomorrow. Our last day here was mostly R&R followed by an evening meal with Dorothy's cousins who live in town. As for the city of Phoenix, we really enjoyed it. We found it to be a friendly city, easy to navigate in, beautifully landscaped (there were many plants in bloom), with many things to see and do. And we found out from the cousins that there were other attractions that we missed. We stayed downtown for five nights and got to know that area fairly well. Their downtown building architecture is very impressive and widely varied - they have one building that is an upside down pyramid and two that look like flying saucers that landed - but overall very attractive. We would like to return to Phoenix someday, but probably in the winter.


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