Saturday, May 20, 2006

Day 34 - Bluff UT to Durango CO

Left early after a crummy breakfast - they don't know about continental breakfasts yet. Just a short distance to Monument Valley - we wanted to see it in soft morning light. A number of movies have been shot there and we could see why. Monument Valley is entirely within the Navajo Indian Reservation, which is probably why it isn't in the national park system. Very impressive. From there we swung down into Arizona again and back up to the Four Corners, where Dorothy got to stand in four states at one time. Then moved on up to Colorado, our ninth state of this trip. Our last stop of the day was at Mesa Verde National Park, where cliff dwelling people lived some 1,400 years ago. It's a linear park and we went up about 8,400 feet elevation after driving along some fairly sharp ridges. We hiked to the Spruce Tree House, where the picture was taken. Then on to Durango for the night. It's cooler here.


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