Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reunion - 4

Here is the GHOST reporting on how things really were in the last week as we were tripping in the great Wild West. We left Tennessee on a Monday morning and drove to Illinois....stopped to see Glen's mother in the nursing home and she said......"What are you doing here?" We explained and then we left and went to rest for the next day. We picked up Dorothy's sister first and a few miles later we picked up the younger brother. Barbara was the entertainment committee and John was for the knowledge needed as we traveled the miles and questions arose. The first mistake was talking because Barbara had a song for one of the words in a sentence.......Try it. It is possible to pick out a word and sing a line or 2 familiar or not. Then we saw trains.....I guess we lead a sheltered life as seeing trains really excited the group. We counted cars. 4 people did not have the same figure. Then we decided to keep count of the trains we the next few days.........oh my.our numbers were all different. Someone mentioned RAILROAD and that brought a song. We tried to play the alphabet game but that was hard because there were very few billboards. And the letter Q was no where to be found. We had to appoint one person to be in charge of choosing a restaurant and one to choose a place to stay. Stopping at the Rest Stops found us carefully getting out of the car and unraveling our legs. We had to stand still for awhile before the legs would work. And by then it was time to get in again. We found that exits off the interstates in Wyoming are concrete under the road and off but the trails from there were dirt and went somewhere. We had troubles seeing homes faraway. And then someone would say...what do these people do??????????We passed a private golf course about 50 miles from anything else and wondered who played there.. We were excited to stop at Little America as the billboards(the only ads we saw) were 150 miles away...and they had advertised ice cream cones cheap. We got 2 for 75 cents. Arriving in Park City, Utah was GREAT. It meant the ability to bother someone else. Older brother Ken and Trine live there. The weather was great and sunshine every day. Ken showed us all the sights in the area. It was GREAT and we gave him an A plus in tour directing. Trine was the COOK and we believe she will be able to have her own restaurant someday. After pestering them enough we did the whole trip in reverse. We were more careful in words we used, did not play the alphabet game and at the end of the trip we made up numbers for the amount of things we had counted.. Forgot to mention that there was a young person who flew out from Knoxville to join the group..He added youth that the old group did not have. GHOST


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like Rose.

5:00 AM  

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