Monday, June 26, 2006

Reunion Tour - 2

After arriving at Park City UT on Thursday, we took a tour of Ken's and Trine's places of employment and got to see some of the ski and golf developments in the Park City area. On Friday we toured the Salt Lake City area, including stops at the This Is The Place monument where the Mormons first arrived in the Salt Lake area, Antelope Island (which is a large island recreation and wildlife area in Salt Lake connected to the mainland by a 7 mile causeway), then took a tour of the Mormon Tabernacle. In the process we picked up son Greg at the Salt Lake City airport so he could join in the reunion activities. On Saturday we looked at some developments in the Heber City area then went to an Indian powwow in a park. That was very colorful and very interesting. Then on to lunch at Sundance and a ski lift ride overlooking the Sundance area, including a sighting of Robert Redford's house. Then on a mountaintop ride to the Cascade Springs area. On Sunday we stayed in the Park City area, going first to the Olympic Park, site of part of the 2002 Winter Olympics. The more adventurous of our group went on the Zip Ride and the Quicksilver ride, which were kind of simulations of Olympic events. Then moved on to a walk around downtown Park City, which is a collection of shops and studios with lots of opportunities for investments. Our evening meal was a celebration of Trine's birthday at a restaurant called Nacho Mama's, followed by birthday cake at home. By this time we were getting pretty tired and we called it a reunion. Monday, we said our goodbyes and headed east for a long day of driving, 716 miles in all to Kearney, Nebraska.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another fine effort by Glen. Great writing and very professional photos. Glen, now that you have set the standard so high, I expect nothing less.
It is nice to see family members enjoying each other while eating, playing, resting and puzzling. My only constructive suggestion is that you include more pictures of that handsome John fellow. He really fills out a picture, is very humorous and probably has a memory like a steel lockbox. Ghost II

5:08 AM  

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