Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reunion - 3

After an early departure from Kearney Nebraska, we chugged on eastward at 75 mph towards home for John and Barb. Coming from Park City UT we traveled 716 miles the first day and 619 the next. We saw lots of antelopes, trains, irrigation, cattle, desert, semi trucks, and as we got to Iowa and Illinois, corn and soybean fields. The weather was ideal most of the way, with only a few showers but much cloud cover to shield us from the blazing sun. We didn't stop much but there is a picture of the Mississippi River from the Illinois welcome station. The other pictures show one of our favorite activities. Now a word about our traveling partners, John and Barb. While both were co-drivers with us, John was in charge of education and Barb was in charge of entertainment. I lost track of the giggle count early in the trip but it must have been somewhere around the Federal deficit number. Reunion Number One on the Reunion Tour was highly successful. The video will be coming out soon, Barb in charge of course. Thanks again for the hosting activities, Ken and Trine. Since we have a couple of days before the next reunion, Dorothy and I are going to do some tourist stuff around our home area.


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