Thursday, July 06, 2006

Reunion Tour - 9

Started the day at Bemidji Minn and headed west through a variety of vegetations - cropland, cutover forests, burned forests, large lakes and small ponds, and a lot of wide open spaces. Most was gently rolling or very flat. The picture of the yellow field is a crop of canola, which is used to produce canola oil for cooking, etc. Saw lots of that. Stopped for lunch at a cafe that sits next to a monument (pictured) that is designated as the central point of North America. We didn't take time to check it out on a map, we just took the picture and ate our lunch. From there we drove north to the Canadian border to visit the International Peace Garden. This is a large park that sits on the border between the two countries and symbolizes the friendly peaceful history we have shared. Most of the flower pictures were taken there. We had to pass through Customs to get back into the US - kind of strange since we were only about a half mile inside Canada, but that's one of the prices we pay today. Then we headed on south and west to spend the night in Minot ND. On to Montana tomorrow.


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