Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Reunion Tour - 7

What a day for the Fourth of July!! We drove through rural small-town Wisconsin on a day with blue skies, puffy white clouds and the temperature barely hitting 80 degrees. We also drove a portion of The Great River Road along the Mississippi River and saw lots of people recreating, including boating, camping, picnicking, and many many people riding motorcycles. Also crossed the Mississippi to the Iowa side to visit the Effigy Mounds National Monument. There we took a one hour hike to a bluff overlooking the river where several Indian groups had built mounds that resemble shapes of animals. We drove through many small towns and almost all had flags and streamers out to celebrate the nation's birthday. In one town we saw a Fourth of July parade and almost became a part of it. We settled in for the night at Eau Claire Wisconsin and don't know if we will see fireworks or not. Heading further north tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure does look like you two are doing everything right. Grassroots Fourth of July, Lincoln's Springfield and even reunions. Keep it up.

9:35 AM  

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