Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reunion Tour - 13

Left Billings with no breakfast - supposed to be a Cracker Barrel on the interstate, but we missed it. Had to settle for Hardee's but it wasn't very good. On the road towards Yellowstone - had mostly mountainous roads with lots of hairpin turns and Dorothy navigated them with ease. I may have to take her off probation. Had some sweeping vistas from the mountaintop and also got up above the tree line, then to the snow line. Saw several herds of bison (they're not supposed to be called buffaloes) and several elk on the trip. Went to one of the geyser fields on the northwest corner of the Yellowstone Park then across to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Checked at the Park lodging office and came up with a rustic cabin, and I do mean rustic. No amenities and the floor in the bathroom sagged badly. The yellow structure in one of the pictures (with the bison beside it) was one of the cabins. The bison are quite tame - we watched them again the next morning. Evening meal at the cafeteria then a walk by the lake before turning in.


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