Sunday, July 09, 2006

Reunion Tour - 12

Wrote early yesterday. After that we kind of lazed around, then went out to eat. Got the car washed and it needed it - still had Illinois bugs on the front. We've encountered lots of flying bugs on the trip. We carry a small bottle of Windex and wipes to take care of cleanup between gas stations. After going for a walk in the neighborhood of the motel, we took about a 60 mile trip to see the Little Big Horn Battlefield, which is where Custer met his Waterloo. It's now a National Monument and there were lots of people there. In addition to the big monument, there was of course the cemetery as well as some unique wire sculpture that was a memorial to the Indians who died there. It's a national cemetery so there were veterans from other wars as well as those who died at the Little Big Horn. There were also markers placed in the fields where the actual battles took place, with names of the fallen. There was a grave marked for General Custer but he is actually buried in New York. They said that Custer liked the media - he actually had more photographs taken of him than were taken of Abraham Lincoln. If he had survived the battle, he probably should have gone into politics. The last picture was a horseriding group going along the ridge - Custer probably saw something like that just before he got his. When we got back to Billings, we went to another museum, the Yellowstone Art Museum. They had a great one-artist exhibition of paintings relating to the Lewis and Clark trip, showing activities at various points along the trip. Back to the motel to rest up for tomorrow. We're heading for Yellowstone National Park - got a cabin reservation so we will be out of contact with the internet. But we hope to see some great scenery.


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