Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Reunion Tour - 20

Decided to take a casual day in Rapid City SD. You may have heard that Rapid City set a record temperature for July 18 - 106 degrees. Obviously you can't do anything outside when it's like that so we improvised. Went downtown early to see their statues on the streets. Knoxville had bears and now has dogs - Rapid City has Presidents. They're really neat life-size bronze statues of 22 of the Presidents of the US. Dorothy chose to pose by John Quincy Adams (in case you didn't know, he is one of the shortest Presidents - he's standing on a platform to tower over Dorothy by an inch or two). I chose to model with Thomas Jefferson. The other picture is JFK with John John. By the time we finished looking at them, it was time to get inside. We then drove to the National Woodcarving Museum near Custer. After that we drove back over the wildlife trail that we did yesterday, because we enjoyed it so much. We didn't see as many buffaloes but we saw more of everything else. One picture shows two (you can't see the other one) fawns catching lunch in the meadow. The other shows a pronghorn buck relaxing in the shade. Then back to Rapid City to find a motel. Heading eastward tomorrow.


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