Sunday, July 16, 2006


I seldom get a chance to write as Glen send his message and then checks e-mail and then plays a game or too and by then the Ghost is asleep. The trip across the northern part of the country was interesting. We saw driveways that went off into the horizion and wondered what the people did for a living that lived out there. Parts of that area are so lonely looking. The folks in northern Dakota and Montana were so friendly. The National Parks were GREAT. We had been there before but it was neat again. We were lucky to walk in on the day there and get a room. I think the dorm room one was the most unusual. The room walls were really thin. Never had a problem with the bathroom. The food has been okay. Of course...we are eating too much. We are not eating granola bars once a day as we did before...Sometimes we have 2 meals out. I miss fruit. Fresh fruit is in season now and I really miss that. I think Glen misses home cooked meals. I will not get him away from home for awhile after we get there. The scenery is GREAT. If we get tired while the other one is driving....well it is hard to nap as the scenery changes as we go. I got to drive between Billings and Yellowstone Park. We went in the Northeast entrance and the road there is pretty curvy. Glen arrived with white knuckles. Then I drove from The Eastern entrance to Cody. They are doing road construction on the mountain road. Lots of gravel and hills and curves.....Glen arrived white knuckled. We watched smoke from fires as we drove. Decided to go to Devil's Tower another way and it was good because the road was closed. It is DRY and HOT here. We are learning a lot of new things about history. All along the road from Yellowstone there were signs on the road that told the age of the rocks at that place. They are pretty OLD. We are learning that we are now traveling in tourist season as the prices on lodging are pretty high in someplaces. The Tantanka place that Kevin Costner built was nice. They have bronze sculptures of buffalo. The neatest part was that standing there you believed that you were on the plains as one could not see any development. One could hear traffic. The Indian there said I should write it in the guest book as he reads all comments. The good news is that we have soft toilet paper tonight. The other GOOD thing is that we are still speaking to one another. But I will say it was nice to have a king size bed last night. I know that Glen will proof this but .......he needs a laugh now and then. He wonders if anyone is reading this. I think he wants a comment now and then. But I say..folks are tired of us being gone and they have forgotten who we are. GHOST


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All great artists are driven to create. The public is the beneficiary of that creativity. Do not worry, there are many of us following you on your journey with great interest. BroJo

7:21 PM  

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