Monday, July 24, 2006

Reunion Tour - 23 - Wrapup

Drove from Ames Iowa to Coralville Iowa in the rain. Hadn't seen much of it on either trip. Had some extra time in Coralville so we got some photos printed. Also walked around a large mall there and had lunch beside an ice skating rink that is inside the mall. Pretty cool. Webers started drifting in for the family reunion, with all five siblings and four of five spouses making it. Also had several livewire small kids to entertain us. Ate at the restaurant Friday night then ventured out to the Amana Colonies for some high quality shopping on Saturday. The afternoon was spent with the old folks visiting and the kids playing in the indoor pool. After six hours in the pool they hadn't slowed down a bit. The motel served its continental breakfast around the pool and that was pretty nice. We left Coralville about 10:00 and headed for Illinois for a brief visit with my Mother, then on to Pontiac to have lunch with Barb and John (who accompanied us on the Utah trip). Then heading back towards Tennessee, making it as far as Columbus Indiana that night. Back to home sweet home by 12:30. I'm ready for some home cooked meals, after over five weeks on the road. Also would be nice for the landscape to stabilize for a while. The Reunion Tour was a great trip, with beautiful scenery, great fellowship with family and friends, and covering more than 8,600 miles. We were almost home when Dorothy asked her usual question: "Where are we going next?" More from Ghost later. She always has to have the last word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So where are you going next??
Inquiring minds want to know.

9:37 AM  

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