Thursday, July 20, 2006

Reunion Tour - 22

Spent the night in Mitchell SD, home of the world famous Corn Palace. The original Corn Palace was built over 100 years ago and it's called that because corn is used as a theme throughout, including being incorporated into the large displays. In the third picture, Dorothy keeps finding these strange men to associate with. By the way, she's gone hatless the last two days due to progress in hair growth. We didn't spend much time at the Corn Palace but instead headed out on the interstate eastward. Passed through a corner of Minnesota, then south through northwestern Iowa. We took US and state highways on purpose and saw lots of rural, pastoral scenes. Most of the towns were quite small and we actually had a hard time finding a restaurant for lunch. Finally settled for a Blimpie's inside a drug store. Ventured on to Ames Iowa for the night. Hoping to do some antiquing tomorrow morning then on to the Weber reunion in Coralville in the afternoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see Dorothy hasn't shrunk away to nothing. I even think she's growing...and not just hair!!!

3:14 PM  

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