Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the final say

First I need to explain who GHOST is. It is short for ghostwriter and some of my friends liked it so it stuck.......We are home after 8684 miles of traveling together. We never had a cross word or an arguement. We did not always agree but we were compatible. Picking up my younger brother and sister was a real good time. They are 11 and 15 years younger than I and we learned a lot about one another. ....Yes., I think that we would ask them again as we all got along. Then arriving in Utah at the other brothers was FUN. We talked..saw a lot of sights..had great meals and played the card game of PIT. That is something we have been doing for at least40 years. It can get loud and boistrous. Seeing vast areas of our country makes one realize that all interstates are not crowded. Towns are small and roads lead somewhere...although we may never know where. We wondered what people did to make a living and why they lived in some places. We knew why some folks lived in the beautiful parts that we saw. We mostly traveled the scenic routes on the maps.....they are designated by the dotted line. Poor Iowa only has about a 100 mile stretch of dotted lines on my map. We had a few days in between reunions and we spent 2 days in Springfield, Illinois. We toured the capitols (old and new) and saw a lot of Lincoln stuff such as his home, tomb, office and museums. Our class reunion was lots of fun. Saw a lot of OLD Folks. On the whole I knew most of them. Some looked the same as long ago and others had changed. We even had a hunk there. We did a lot of remembering and it was funny but we did not all remember the same way.........Well they we headed back west. The greatest day for me was when we traveled through small towns in Wisconsin on the 4th of July. All the towns had flags waving and parades and we traveled through the dairy and farm land....the bread basket of America. I got to drive and believe we were in a parade or it had just finished......We found that there were a lot of tourists in popular places. It was quiet on the back roads. We were lucky to walk into the National Park Office and ask if they had a room and the reply was YES. The size of the room varied as long as the price. But one needs bad along with the good so we appreciate all. I talked to folks all along the way. And in the parks..the folks wear nametags with where they are from. A lady from Illinois told us she was from a small town we had probably not heard of.She was a nurse at a hospital where Glen's sister works. She was working as a hostess in the Tetons for the summer. A lady said her son was from a small town in Tennessee....He was from Loudon. We saw a lot of TN cars and did not always see the people....but it was fun. Meeting the Webers in Iowa was the end of our trip. We relaxed. The 5 siblings talked about old times and there were a few small children to play in the pool. We had a great meal in Amish land and it was served family style. A stop to see Glen's mom and tell her all we knew in 30 minutes or less. And on the road to home.......................I was always looking for a photo op. I got a few of them in and there were a lot that you never saw....................I got post cards every where. I have a whole book full of them that tells the story of the trip. ( collect them) Post cards are inexpensive and take up little space. I looked for the penny crusher machines everywhere. It cost 51 cents and you get a picture stamped on the penny. They are small and do not take up much space...It was great to get home to soft toilet paper. And my last question is WHERE CAN WE GO NEXT??????????? Hope you enjoyed the trip.................GHOST


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